MIT has started to design an interactive "wearable" computer called the "sixth sense". Basically they are saying that although humans have five senses to take in information but often use outside sources to interpret that information, like the internet. So, MIT has developed something that can connect the physical world with the digital world. Although watching the video and looking at the pictures may make you laugh at the antics required to use this computer, you must remember that any good piece of technology has to go through a lot of phases to really become the best it can be and for it to be feasable. I'm really excited about this personally, I think that it will be really interesting to see where this goes in the future and to see if it is really a sell-able device. I think anyone would want the capabilities it has, I know I would, the price isnt even bad as of now, only $350 worth of equpitment, but I think that no one wants to walk around with a webcam clipped to their visor, and a projector hanging around their neck, and colored caps on their finger tips, but all in good time. Eventually I think they are thinking about having it condensed into some sort of wrist device or a much smaller and much more discreet pendant or something- which if it ever gets this far, I'm sure I will become one of the household consumers who will want to know everything about everything at the touch of, well, anything.
A few drawbacks... ? well, after reading through a couple of comments and scrolling through many blogs, I've found that well, most people dont want other people knowing what they know about knowing things. As crazy as that sounds, I understand. For example (if you watch some of the vids) If i pick up a book and the rating is automatically projected on to the book, then flip some pages and get some info about the author and a summary, I dont want someone leaning over my should trying to listen in on my earbuds, or reading my summary, I'd like that to be nine and mine only, if they don't want to buy the device then dont. Another thing may be, that, at this point they are using an internet capable phone to get the info off the internet, and who knows how reliable that is. Also, soon the phone companies wiill be trying to get a little piece out of this, and what about people like me who are too cheap to get internet on their phone?
Overall though, I think that finished version of this device would be sick! it would be totally awsome (exucuse the cliche) but I would probably flip. If they can figure out some way of making it more private, I would be all over it.
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